It was the perfect summer day in Northern Michigan. The temperature was 75 degrees Fahrenheit, it grew slightly overcast toward the evening, and the breeze was ever so gentle. It was the day I got to stand hand-in-hand with my best friend as we promised forever to one another.

July 22nd will always mark one of the best days of my life.

We had known early on that when we took our honeymoon, we wanted it to be somewhere tropical. Being stationary on a beach, with a drink in our hands, and no worries sounded luxurious to us.

Since our wedding fell at peak summertime in Michigan, leaving the beautiful weather and traveling somewhere tropical didn’t feel desirable. So, we planned to wait to take our honeymoon until winter so that we could appreciate our time spent there.

We officially settled on an all-inclusive Sandals Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Eight months after our wedding, it was the best post-wedding decision we made together.

1. It allowed us time to settle down

If you’ve ever planned a wedding, or you’re in the midst of it, you know that it’s a lot. From engagement photos to bridal showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, creating/sending out invites, ordering decor, setting up vendors, coordinating meetings, etc. For introverts like us, it was a lot of things all at one time. When the day finally arrived and we could see everything come together, it felt like a breath of fresh air. We were able to spend the entire day together soaking in all of the memories we were making. By the end of the night, our hearts were so full but we were exhausted. Just the thought of having to wake up the next morning and get on an airplane was not appealing. Instead, we had the opportunity to go back to our home and unpack everything from the wedding.

2. We got to enjoy our flowers longer

I remember when my sisters’ got married, they planned their honeymoons immediately following their weddings. They were giving their flowers away to family members because they’d be wilted by the time they returned.

For us, we were able to decorate our back porch with centerpieces and keep vases of bouquets around our home. It made us feel good to enjoy the things we paid big money for.

3. No leftover food went to waste

A lot of money is spent on food for the wedding day. Which often results in extra for the bride and groom to take home. We were able to enjoy our wedding food for the entire week after our big day. Making dinner decisions a breeze and not having to make a trip to the grocery store.

4. We caught up on sleep

You may think you’re getting plenty of sleep leading up to the wedding. But chances are, subconscious thoughts were lingering in your mind. The level of tired you are once the wedding is over is indescribable. For me, this was one of the biggest blessings of not taking our honeymoon immediately after our wedding. I knew that I would have taken at least an entire day off of our vacation due to rest. Especially as introverts, large gatherings (like a wedding), can take a few days to recoup to full strength. Lying our heads on our pillows in our own bed was heaven on earth.

5. We didn’t have to find a dog sitter

Our families would have gladly accommodated to watch Bud had we decided to go on our honeymoon right away. However, we knew that they were hosting out-of-town family members and exhausting themselves to help with the festivities. One more responsibility for them would have been a lot. Likewise, having a routine again after things calmed down wasn’t just for our benefit, it was for our dog, too. (He’s our baby!)

6. No to-do list when we get back

Because we were able to get back to a routine directly after the wedding—we knew that our honeymoon would be 10x more relaxing. We’ve had 8 months to settle into the married life, save up money, and earn time off. Now, we’re even more excited to have a getaway in the middle of winter, just the two of us.

I always recommend this to anyone questioning whether or not they want to take their honeymoon directly after their wedding. So much money, time, and energy is put into planning it all—why not enjoy it a little bit longer?

We’ve been looking forward to March to have this time together and now, the only thing we need to worry about is what bathing suit to pack and what sunscreen to wear.

I’m excited to share more about our honeymoon prep, our honeymoon recap, and photos from Montego Bay!

See you soon, Jamaica!

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